BioShock Infinite - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Prologue [4K 60FPS] (PS4 Pro/Xbox One/PC) leave a reply Bioshock Infinite Remastered Gameplay Walkthrough Full Game PC PS4 Xbox One 4K 60FPS Max Ultra Settings Let's Play Playthrough.Showcasing the PC version of the game in 4K, which will be slightly superior to the PS4 and Xbox One remaster versions of the game.Showcasing all cutscenes, all boss fights, ending of the game and much more!BIOSHOCK THE COLLECTION REVIEWThe remastered collection takes you back to Rapture and Columbia, some of the most pleasing places to explore of the last generation, but are the games still as good as they were? is this a good remaster?Well, in short, Yes, the 60FPS is quite stable, I did notice a drop of in FPS once every 2 hours or so, it's a really great remaster that is worth every penny.If you own the trilogy and all DLCs on last gen, then this may not be worth the price unless you're really into a smoother experience, but for those that skipped on the BioShock games last gen, this is a must buy, it offers great value, the graphics hold up quite well and the gameplay still feels solid.BioShock games are slow-paced first person shooter games, BioShock Infinite is a much faster paced game, so if you're into any of the genres, BioShock trilogy is the best there is out there in terms of First Person Shooters + Story Telling, a great deal, a great remaster.9/10+ All Games, All DLC+ Great Value+ Amazing Story- No BioShock 2 MultiplayerSubscribe for more!Patreon: a community of gamers: me on Facebook: me on Twitch: me on Twitter:, BioShock, Gameplay, Infinite, One/PC, Part, Pro/Xbox, Prologue, Walkthrough-Xbox One Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post How To Play PS2 Games On Android(Playstation 2)(Hindi/Urdu) Next Post MotoGP 14 Walkthrough Part 2 - Career Mode QATAR - PS4 post written by: Rafael Related Posts1ST HANDS ON: Xbox One X Project Scorpio Edition! PRE-ORDER: Thank you to Microsoft & the Xbox division for literally flying to my house in LA & letting me showcase the XBOX O… Continue ReadingIs TERA Worth Playing in 2017? A TERA MMORPG Review So is TERA worth playing in 2017? Easy question to answer, right? Right. So, the Too Long Didn't Watch version of this video is: Yes, TERA is still, more or… Continue ReadingA 12-year-old app developer | Thomas Suarez Most 12-year-olds love playing videogames -- Thomas Suarez taught himself how to create them. After developing iPhone apps like "Bustin Jeiber," a whack-a-m… Continue ReadingDAYS GONE Gameplay Walkthrough DEMO PS4 Exclusive 2017 - Developer Commentary DAYS GONE Gameplay Walkthrough DEMO PS4 Exclusive 2017 - Developer Commentary►SUBSCRIBE:►Apply for Curse Network : http://b… Continue ReadingX-plane 10 flight simulator gameplay demo this is a quik look in X-plane 10 demo-, Flight, Gameplay, Simulator, XPlane-Gameplay… Continue Reading
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