Comparatif Entre La PS4 / PS4 PRO / PS4 SLIM .Quel console choisir ? leave a reply Salut a toi , dans cette vidéo je vais t'explique qu'elles sont les différences entre les différente console Ps4 de chez Sony. Je vais comparer :PS4 VS PS4 SLIM // PS4 VS PS4 PRO // PS4 SLIM VS PS4 PROJe te donnerais mon avis sur chaque console et peut etre t'aide a faire un choix sur la quel acheter ou non suivant tes exigence !!!Bonne vidéo a tous !!! Carte PSN , XBOX Et Autre Avec Mon Partenaire: Et 10% De Réduction sur ta commande avec le code: pnfamily-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Le plus important pour moi est que cette vidéo t'est plue , penses à laisser un petit pouce vert et à commenter la vidéo ;)Pense à t'abonner aussi pour voir mes prochaines vidéo ;) Voici les liens qui te seront important pour suivre ma chaîne : PAGE FACEBOOK : YOUTUBE : LIEN POUR T'ABONNER : Twitter:!/PNfamillyVideo Rating: / 5 To support the stream, donate: donations will be read on stream.Join the suh dewd discord: Battlefield Settings: Questions:What are you playing on? Playstation 4 Pro or PCPC specs?i7-6700kgtx 107016gb ddr4256gb ssd2tb HDStreaming rig:i7-6700gtx 105016gb ddr42tb HDHow old are you? 96Where are you from? CanadaWelcome to my stream! I welcome all viewers to get in game with me, either to squad up and pwn scrubs, or to hop on the other team and track down my dog tags. If you want to join in, just ask for the server number in chat, myself or a fellow viewer will hook you up in chat. If I am playing Operations, the server browser currently does not work, so you will be unable to join me for those games.I'm not accepting friend requests right now, as my friends list is full. However, I am in a clean-up phase on my friends list (a lot of inactive friends from twitch streaming days), so if you become a long-time viewer I'll do my best to get you on my friends list. Titles are supposed to be in all-caps right?let's goooooooTop PS4 Scout Player, Top 10 Kills, K/D, Skill, Assists. New Subscribers appreciated! free to ask any questions you have about the game, my playstyle, guns/classes/vehicles. Anything you can think of, I welcome it.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Connect with me: Girlfriends insta: Credit to Shadowsix:, choisir, Comparatif, Console, Entre, slim-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Kritika Online - [MMORPG] Game Explanation & Level 60 Valkyrie Gameplay Next Post ✔ Top Free-To-Play Anime Action Game MMO ( PC Browser ) | 2.5D Fast-Actioned Gameplay post written by: Rafael Related PostsXbox One X - Hands-On Review! Xbox One X (Scorpio) - unboxing & review coming! At E3 2017 we're getting hands-on with the new 4K-ready Xbox One X! This Microsoft 4K gaming console is… Continue ReadingXbox One X vs PS4 PRO: GRAPHICS, SPECS, PRICE & MORE [4K VIDEO] Microsoft revealed the Scorpio as the Xbox One X at E3 2017. How do its specs, price, and graphics stack up to the PS4 Pro? Let's break it down!Subscribe fo… Continue ReadingTop 10 Best Steam Online Survival Games | Open World Survive 2017! Top 10 Best Steam Online Survival Games | Multiplayer Survive Games 2017! PC (Links in Description)Top 10: Osiris: New Dawn… Continue ReadingIGN Plays Dragon Quest IV for iOS Brian and Jared take a look at the tablet version of the Enix classic.-, PLAYS, Quest-Ios Ga… Continue ReadingMafia 3: 12 Minutes of Developer-Narrated Gameplay - IGN First Creative director Haden Blackman walks us through 12 minutes of stunning Mafia III gameplay footage.Watch more IGN First exclusives here!… Continue Reading
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