GET REKT! Let’s Play Competitive Overwatch Season 5 Xbox ONE
GET REKT! Let’s Play Competitive Overwatch Season 5 Xbox ONE
Here’s the first episode of Let’s Play Overwatch Competitive Season 5. This is a Diamond Ranked lobby on the Eichenwalde. Join me, and my BRO BLAKE, as we get our asses kicked because sometimes that happens. GET REKT. I hope you guys enjoy the raw footage! TWITCH STREAMS! ►https://www.twitch.tv/unlikeaik Twitter ►https://twitter.com/UnlikeAik Google+ ►https://plus.google.com/+UnlikeAik ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New videos every Thursday! ♡ Subscribe for more ❤ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCITPTQIUTEtbx1Ht86ZDeFA?annotation_id=annotation_1010892803&feature=iv&src_vid=c780A2Q8mzo&sub_confirmation=1 Watermark drawn personally for me by Nathan. YouTube: Nasian SSBM (youtube.com/channel/UCONgkxTfeez4EBRy3VgNQrw) Instagram: @natefromoregonstate Twitter: @OfficialNasian Thanks for the art, buddy. You rock!Video Rating: / 5 Overwatch Console players are often said to be garbage but with this Overwatch Hanzo Gameplay on Xbox One using a controller with 50 Horizontal and 50 Vertical sensitivity, I destroy Masters on my second Gamertag. I'm obviously kidding when I say I have 200,000 Hours with Hanzo but I do have about 30 hours and prior experience from Call of Duty Sniping and Rocket League stability. This is just a fun video of some hanzo gameplay I had a while back. Thanks for watching! Subscribe? Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1hW9W8g Website: http://www.ninjaznation.com Community Website - http://www.community.ninjaznation.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ninjaznation Twitch.tv: http://www.twitch.tv/ninjaznation Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NinjazNation Official NinjazNation Wrist Band: http://bit.ly/1gZ5yRR -http://gameprostar.com/get-rekt-lets-play-competitive-overwatch-season-5-xbox-one/-COMPETITIVE, Let's, Overwatch, Play, REKT, Season, Xbox-Xbox One
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