Murdered Soul Suspect Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - The Killer (PS4)

Murdered Soul Suspect Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 includes Mission 1 of the Story for PS4, Xbox One, PC, PS3, Xbox 360 in 1080p HD. This Murdered Soul Suspect Gameplay Walkthrough will also include a Review, all Chapter Missions, Side Missions and the Ending.


Murdered: Soul Suspect is an action-adventure video game, developed by Airtight Games and published by Square Enix. Murdered: Soul Suspect is available for PS4, PC, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360. The events of the game are set in Salem, Massachusetts, and focus on Detective Ronan O'Connor, who is slain by a brutal and relentless killer. Ronan returns as a ghost, and will not rest in peace until he solves his own murder by using his ghostly powers, and at the same time combat demonic creatures who wish to eat his soul. Along the way to finding his killer, Ronan is also helped by Joy, a girl who not only witnessed Ronan's death, but can also see and speak to ghosts (including Ronan), a trait she inherited from her missing mother, a contracted psychic. When Ronan O'Connor, a detective with a checkered past, gets caught up in a burglary, his life is brought to an untimely end by a brutal and relentless killer. Shocked to find himself in the afterlife, his only escape from the limbo world of Dusk is to uncover the truth behind his killer, track him down and bring him to justice using new-found supernatural abilities. As Ronan, you have freedom to explore the town of Salem: its wooden houses, narrow streets, Gothic churches, and mental asylum for clues. Battle demonic spirits to save your soul and uncover the shocking revelations about who is responsible for your death.

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GTA V (High) - min: 56 | med: 74 | max: 160

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-, killer, Murdered, Part, Soul, Suspect, Walkthrough-Ps4
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