Revelation Online - 3v3 PvP Vanguard Gameplay
Revelation Online - 3v3 PvP Vanguard Gameplay
Doing 3v3 PvP for the first time with my friend on my other friends account(that's why i'm not a loli). I suck, but shit was hella fun! How to play in CN instructions: "http://einsofgaming.com/forums/index.php/topic,664.0.html"- To create an account. Here to download "http://tianyu.163.com/download/" click on "Fast download" which is what I did. If you need further help etc there is a revelation discord "http://www.revelationdiscord.com/" Check out more content at: Twitch ►https://www.twitch.tv/frozoneafro Twitter ►https://twitter.com/Frozone_ Recruiting Blacklist: https://ro.my.com/forum/thread/7082-na-blacklist-hardcore-pvp-pvx-18-discord-required/ Going to start posting more youtube content so be on the look out fam!Video Rating: / 5 -http://gameprostar.com/revelation-online-3v3-pvp-vanguard-gameplay/-Gameplay, Online, Revelation, Vanguard-Gameplay
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