Shoot Projectiles from One Device to Another with DUAL - Android & iOS [How-To] leave a reply Retro-Styled Game Lets You Shoot from One Device to AnotherFull Article: to Gadget Hacks: this video, I'll be showcasing DUAL, an Android and iOS game that lets you shoot bullets at your friends from one device to the other. For more information, check out the full article over on Android Gadget Hacks.Follow Gadget Hacks on:Facebook: Android Hacks on:Facebook: Apple Hacks on:Facebook: Rating: / 5-, Another, Device, DUAL, from, HowTo, Projectiles, Shoot-Ios Games Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Halo Wars 3v3 w/Friends! Next Post How To Install Android v7.0/v6.0 (Nougat/Marshmallow) On Most Phones MANUALLY !! post written by: Rafael Related PostsTurning off the Xbox Prank! (PRANK GONE WRONG) Decided to prank my little brother, And turn off his xbox while he plays WWE And Prank Goes Wrong! Make sure to follow me on Instagram https://www.instagra… Continue ReadingTop 10 Android Games /w Bluetooth Controller Support #G4D42 Top 10 Android Games that work best with a Bluetooth Controller... demoed on the Lenovo Vibe X3.Not looking to argue, if you feel there are better games, le… Continue ReadingNioh - Ep 1 - THE EXECUTIONER - Let's Play Nioh Gameplay PS4 Pro Action Mode Nioh - Ep 1 - THE EXECUTIONER - Let's Play Nioh Gameplay PS4 Pro Action Mode Part 1. Nioh is similar to Dark Souls in many ways, but different in so many ot… Continue ReadingGame Android RPG Terbaik untuk Android & iOS | Tech in Asia Indonesia Top 10 (Februari 2016) Waktunya untuk menjelajahi berbagai dunia fantasi lewat berbagai RPG terbaik di Android dan iOS pilihan Tech In Asia Games!--------Ravensword: ShadowlandsAn… Continue ReadingGaming with Google Chrome Kroll: of the Mad God:… Continue Reading
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