Versus: Battle of the Gladiator - Gameplay First Look for more Versus: Battle of the Gladiator reviews, gameplay videos, guides, screenshots, tips, news, and more.

Versus: Battle of the Gladiator has converted to a free-to-play title, but will that be enough to draw an audience big enough so that players can actually take part in the strategic, skill based, hack & slash combat? for the best free MMORPG and MMO Games.

Every First Look is filled with informative gameplay showcasing each game's character creation menu, a breakdown of individual classes, some early PvE and PvP content and other features. In the end the main goal of the video is to share our first impressions of the game.

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Greetings and salutations my lovely little Bytelings, my name is Wiggy, and today I'll be talking an upcoming Korean, MMORPG called Astellia Online.

While Astellia Online is an MMORPG like I mentioned prier. I feel as though I should also point out it also has a heavy focus on card mechanics, as I do know that this feature is loathed by some people in the MMO community. But I'll get into how Astellia uses its card system in a bit later, for now let's just go over the basics. To start off, Astellia is a fantasy MMORPG, filled with magic and demons, and you the main character, obviously being an amazing Hero. Astellia has 5 base classes to choose between, which are as follows, Warrior, Archer, Mage, Scholar and of course the dastardly Rogue. And, before you ask, yes. The classes are gender locked, which is highly unfortunate, I know, but what can you do? Gender locking seems to be trend that just won't die out. Once your chosen class has reaching a certain level, it can go into 4 different, sub classes. For instance, a Warrior can, after hitting level 60, turn into a either a Crusader, Berserker, Gladiator or Dark Knight, all with it's own unique skills and differing playstyles. How much these "sub" classes differ from each other remains to be seen however.

In Astellia, you level up like any other normal fantasy MMORPGs, AKA, take quests, kill monsters, the norm. However as I mentioned earlier there's a card system. These cards are actually called "Astels" which are basically just like summons, just with a fancy name. Now, you can have a total of 2 Astels active at any given time, helping you out in battles or just generally following you around, looking cute and being.. clingy. An interesting thing to note though, is that, while they essentially function as summons, they also act as a mini party member. As they can level up along side you, gaining new skills and ability's. Astels don't just help you fight however, they also alter how your character fights, depending on the specific "class type" of the Astel. There are in total 4 Astel types which are, Guardian, Servant, Aide, and Savior, and as I said, depending on what "type" of Astel you have summoned, it can completely change how you, the player, fights in battle, giving you access to new ability's and skills. So combat won't be as simple as randomly stabbing monsters in the face, as you'll need to find the best Astels that match your playstyle, and benefit you the most. Astels also have classes that they can choose to become, although I am unsure what those classes are called and how it all works along side the Astels type. So I won't be going into much detail on that, as I can't really tell you any accurate information regarding it.

Astellia also features an large area in which you can participate in PvP and PvE content alongside each other. Which could potentially be really awesome, as it'll mean that are more people running around, ready to assist in large scale PvE content. Or, on the other hand, it could very frustrating. As I'm sure there will be people who will no doubt be trying kill you while you're simply trying to form a party to tackle some PvE content, after a long day at work. There is also a PvP Colosseum, for all of you rage filled, blood lusting, bloodsoaked, PvP addicted, gladiators to participate in. Lastly there is of course guild wars.

So guys this is generally what's known about Astellia Online so far, I'll try and keep you guys updated as we continue to learn more! A quick question before we end this though; Does Astellia look like an MMORPG you're interested in playing? Anyway, good day, night, or afternoon, whenever it is where you are, and I'll see you guys in the next video!

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Outro: Rameses B - Beside You (feat. Soundr)
"Professor Umlaut"
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Video Rating: / 5

-, First, Gameplay, Gladiator, Look, Versus-Mmo Games

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