Xbots Outraged Over Hunting Game that Runs at 900p/30fps on Xbox One X | Tony's Take leave a reply Two weeks ago, the company behind the upcoming 'the Hunter' game stated that the title would run at 900p/30fps on the Xbox One X. Now, Xbox fanatics are crying foul over over this.On this Tony's Take, I call out the hypocritical fanboys who always claim it is up to developers whether or not they want to utilize Xbox One X features yet get mad when a dev doesn't. I also call these guys out over being upset about a game they had never even heard of until now.Subscribe to us on:Soundcloud: http://bit.ly/1vXIYnOiTunes: http://bit.ly/1tz9G57Follow us on:Twitter: http://bit.ly/1w31bRYFacebook: http://on.fb.me/1w31eNPFollow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Romudeth-http://gameprostar.com/xbots-outraged-over-hunting-game-that-runs-at-900p30fps-on-xbox-one-x-tonys-take/-900p/30fps, Game, Hunting, Outraged, Over, Runs, Take, Tony's, Xbots, Xbox-Xbox One Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Top Ten Apps On IOS 4.2.1 2016 (They still work!) Next Post 10 PS4 LIFE HACKS That Will Make Your Gaming Experience Better (PS4 TIPS) post written by: Rafael Related PostsList of 4 (or More!) Player Xbox ONE local Multiplayer games 4 - 8 player games on the xbox one that you can enjoy with family and friends locally on the one console.HOW TO USE A PS3/PS4 CONTROLLER ON XBOX ONE:https:… Continue ReadingTop 10 Most Popular MMORPGs Worldwide (By Playerbase) Browse through hundreds of free to play MMOs and MMORPGs at http://mmos.comFor a more detailed look at the games on this list and a look at games #11-14 se… Continue ReadingTop 10 BEST New Games of E3 2017 Xbox One E3 Press Conference 00:00 - Anthem06:55 - Forza Motorsport 708:35 - State Of Decay 213:25 - Ashen15:19 - Ori17:44 - Dragon Ball Fighter Z19:12 - Life Is Strange 220:52 - Shadow… Continue ReadingPPSSPP: How To Get PSP Games / ISOs on your iOS Device! (NO JAILBREAK) If you’re on iOS 9 to open PPSPP go to Settings, General, Profiles and trust the certificate. Enjoy!Enjoyed the video? Subscribe: http://bit.ly/JoinTh… Continue ReadingNaruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 [1080p HD PS4] STORY - ENGLISH Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Walkthrough Part 1 and until the last part will include the full Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Gameplay on… Continue Reading
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