You'll Be In Bronze! Overwatch Competitive Challenge on PS4 (PC vs. Console) leave a reply Thank You Ch0pper: lot of my fans play Overwatch on console and I have always held the belief that console is just a lower tier when it comes to competitive Overwatch. Well, a fan left a message on my last video saying if I tried to play I would be bronze so I wanted to take him up on that challenge. Today I'm playing a fresh PS4 account that just hit level 27 and has no competitive ranks. If I get to at least silver, I win!My Twitter: capture console gameplay with The Elgato HD60 because it's the most professional device on the market for 1080p 60fps console capture.Elgato website: Amazon Link: DRIFT0R SHIRTS! game exclusively on the Netduma R1 because it is best gaming router I have ever used.Netduma website: code "DRFT" for off!I use ASTRO Headsets for all my gaming. They are very high quality gaming headsets. I also have a 5% off link with them. Clicking this link automatically gives you 5% off of everything ASTRO:, CHALLENGE, COMPETITIVE, Console, Overwatch, you'll-Ps4 Tweet Share Share Share Share Previous Post Xbox One SURPRISE For My 13-Year-Old Son! (HIDDEN CAMERA) Next Post Griffin and Nick Create a Mini-Golf MMORPG (with Mr. Bucket) — CoolGames Inc Animated post written by: Rafael Related PostsTOP 10 Best LEGO Games for android/iOS 2016 Watch Download Play and Enjoy the most sensationl entertaining and popular LEGO games for android/iOS. This video shows the countdown for the world's best L… Continue ReadingHow to Record/Stream iPad or iPhone Screen - No Jailbreak Required (Mobcrush) How to record or stream any mobile game iphone ipod or ipad screen. This mobcrush tutorial shows how you can stream directly from your device. How to record… Continue ReadingPlay PS4 on Android! Here's a quick video about how to get PS4 Remote Play on almost any Android device. PS4 Remote Play .apk: thread: http://goo.g… Continue Reading5 Best Gaming Headsets for Xbox One 2016 (Top 5) Don't forget to Hit that Like Button if you Enjoyed!!!➤Click Here for a Partnership:➤Subscribe:… Continue ReadingTop 12 MMORPG Open World 2017 [Android/IOS] 1. Crusaders of Light [ENG] AXE Alliance X Empire… Continue Reading
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